Sunday, June 26, 2011

A.C.R.O.N.Y.M.S in Selling

By Ron LaVine, MBA, President
Accelerated Cold Call Training, Inc.

A lot of acronyms are used in my cold call training business because it makes it easier for people to learn, remember and use key ideas. I joked once about coming up with an acronym for acronym. Maybe something like Always Call Right Officer, Now, Yet Nicely.

I use bunches of Acronyms, from Sales M.A.P. (Mutually Agreed Process) for setting up time and date specific action steps. Another example is W.H.I.I.F.M.-A.M.C. (What's In It For Me - And My Company) or what the prospect really cares about. Or C.V.M. (Call Value Maximization) which means to get the most information out of every call by being polite yet persistent. I have developed a new one called T.E.S.T.S. to help students remember the kinds of questions that will uncover needs, challenges, problems or pains.

Here's one you may want to keep in front of you.

T. is for Tell me more.

What are your biggest problems in the area of...?
What are the specifics?
How do you currently handle...?
How do you go about...?
What are you using to get ____ types of data?
What are you doing in the area of...?
What happens when ____ occurs?
Who beside yourself is affected?

E. is for Experience over time.

How long has this been a problem?
What actions have been taken to try to fix the problem?
What do you think about the results?
Have you given up?

S. is for a Sample of what it is costing them.

Give me a rough idea of how much this is costing you?
What impact is this having?
How does this affect you personally?
What happens if the problem is not fixed?

T. is for Taken action yet?

What actions have you taken to fix the problem?
How do you measure the effectiveness of these actions?
What have you done to try and fix it?

S. is for a Sample of their feelings?

How does it make you feel?
How do other people you work with feel about the problem?

These reminders make sure you don't forget to ask the types of direct specific questions to uncover the information that will help you help your prospects and customers pass their T.E.S.T.S.


Ron LaVine, MBA is president and founder of Accelerated Cold Call Training, Inc., a cold call training firm located in Oak Park, CA. If you need to develop new business and would like information on How to Make Successful Cold Calls – LIVE Call Training, call Ron at 818-519-3852 or visit © 2011 by Accelerated Cold Call Training, Inc.

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