Sunday, January 2, 2011

Goal Setting Exercise

By Ron LaVine, President
Accelerated Sales Training, Inc. –
Cold Calling for Success Live Call Sales Training

Every early January it is good to take some time to reflect on what went right during the past year and what areas of your life you can improve during the upcoming year. Put aside 30 minutes to and hour of quiet time for this very important exercise. First, picture in your mind what you want. See yourself having it and imagine what you will feel like when you do.

Now you are ready to set S.M.A.R.T. goals. S.M.A.R.T. goals are:





Time and date specific

Type out your S.M.A.R.T. goals onto a sheet or two of paper and post it where you can see it (the bathroom or bedroom mirror works great).

Next, get yourself in the habit of reading your goals at least once (if not three times) a day.

You will be amazed at how many of your goals are achieved once you commit them to writing. You may not make all your goals each year but you will still find a number of them are reached and often exceeded.

If you have achieved certain goals during the past year, increase those goals by at least 10% if not more.

Actions follow thoughts. Feel it, think it and then do it.

Put your thoughts on paper and watch the universe go into action to help make your goals a reality.

Start here:

I will accomplish the following goals during the year 2011.

I will earn over $___________ during the year 2011.

I will average earnings over $_________________ per quarter during the year 2011.

I will average earnings over $_________________ per month during the year 2011.

I will improve my industry knowledge by taking the following actions __________________ during the year 2011.

I will improve my product knowledge by taking the following actions __________________ during the year 2011.

For example, you can attend your own company's Webinars or study your company's annual report.

I will improve my selling knowledge by __________________ during the year 2011.

Napoleon Hill’s Law of Success is a great choice. You can buy it at Amazon buy clicking here

I will take the following actions to increase the value I can add into my customer relationships during the year 2011.




I will make ___________ number of cold calls per ____________ during the year 2011.

I will open ________________ number of new accounts during the year 2011 by taking the following actions.




I will take the following actions to maintain a positive mental attitude every day during the year 2011.




I will take the following actions to improve my physical health during the year 2011.




I will take the following steps to better my personal life during the year 2011.




I will take the following steps to better my family life during the year 2011.




I will take the following steps to better my spiritual life during the year 2011.




I will use the following strategies to maximize my time during the year 2011.

I AGREE TO post this list on my mirror, read it at least once a day during the year 2011, and watch these goals come true in my life.

I highly recommend, if you have not yet taken the time to sit down and write out your specific plans and goals, try the above this exercise. You may or may not reach or exceed every goal however you will be a lot further along then if you made no plan at all. Always shoot for the stars and if you fall short, you will still have reached the sky. People don't plan to fail, they fail to plan. Don’t wait. Write down your goals and plans now.

I wish everyone one of you peace, harmony and prosperity during this holiday season and throughout the upcoming year.

Make 2011 your best year ever!


Ron La Vine, MBA is president and founder of Accelerated Sales Training, Inc., a live call sales training firm located in Oak Park, CA. You can get a special report “41 sales Tips You Can Use Right Now” AND the free bimonthly Sales Tips for Selling Success eZine all by signing up at If you would like information on Cold Calling for Success Live Call Sales Training please call Ron at 818-991-6487. © 2011 by Accelerated Sales Training, Inc.

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